Design lead for a freelance marketplace connecting organizations and freelancers in the faith based sector in North America
In this project, I led the UX team for a marketplace connecting organizations and freelancers in the faith based sector in North America.
My role
To conduct and oversee UX research and UX/UI design and implementation.
Research components
Secondary research
Competitor analysis
User personas
User interviews
Research goals
Identify/learn about Shaar’s target demographic
Identify and analyze Shaar’s competitors
Gain a better understanding of the freelance- marketplace industry
Uncover gaps among the existing platforms
Discover how freelancers find gigs
Discover how employers find freelancers
Understand pain points and frustrations of both users have in attaining their goals
Competitor analysis
I conducted some competitor research of active products to gauge a better understanding of features.
Survey & interview Findings
Freelancers seek to have a simple way to organize and refer to their ongoing projects and deadlines
Preference of returning clients
Freelancers face the challenge of lack of guarantee of work
Uncover gaps among the existing platforms
Discover how freelancers find gigs
Discover how employers find freelancers
Understand pain points and frustrations of both users have in attaining their goals
Filters and categories are sometimes inaccurate or present a cognitive overload
Freelancers reported that the offers on platforms often undervalue their skill and don't justify the work, for this reason people often find work through their own networks.
Employers/clients face the challenge of finding professionals who can respect the values and goals of their company, despite not being permanent employees.
Both freelancers and employers face the challenges of communication
I developed several user personas to represent the different things learned during the research phase. Referring back to these personas throughout the design process helped me stay aligned with our user goals.
I worked closely with the Creative Director to ensure that the existing color palette worked well for their web app, keeping accessibility and UI elements in mind. I then led and managed the creation of a design system.
The UI kit for the web app brings the creative vision, brand and UI design together.
Create project screen: Project needs
Create project: review and publish
Pricing information page
Freelancer profile page
Create project screen: Project needs
Create project: review and publish
Next up
This was the MVP of for Shaar. The site has been further updated since. It was an incredibly rewarding experience having an important role in this platform.
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If you'd like to say hello, chat about design, feel free to reach out to me here.
Copyright © 2024 Adina S. Katz
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